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Next Pathway at Snowflake Summit 2022

It's hard to believe that Snowflake is almost 10 years old. The company made its mark by driving cloud computing innovation through the separation of compute and storage and bringing the capabilities of data lakes and data warehouses into a single cloud platform. 



Snowflake is known as the Data Cloud and has established itself as a world leader in data collaboration. As expected, there were a slew of new features announced last week at the 2022 Snowflake Summit held in Las Vegas. Some of the key announcements included:

  • Snowpark for Python: Snowflake brings native support for Python to Snowflake’s developer platform. This will make Snowflake more accessible to data scientists and ML community and will empower them to leverage entire Python ecosystem.

  • Native Application Framework: Native Application Framework is useful to help enterprises build, distribute and deploy applications natively in the Data Cloud. Developers can now access to Snowflake functionalities, like stored procedures and user-defined functions. It allows users to monetize the developed app on the Snowflake Marketplace, making it available for use within the Snowflake instance of all of Snowflake’s customers.

  • The Unistore: Traditionally, transactional and analytics systems along with their respective technical stacks are separate. Through Unistore, organizations for the first time can use a single, unified data set to develop and deploy applications, and analyze both transactional and analytical data together in near-real time. Unistore is powered by hybrid tables, which offer the fast, single-row operations of traditional databases, and the top-notch analytical query performance that is like in warehouse.

Next Pathway has been translating and migrating legacy workloads to Snowflake since 2018. As a Premier Partner we have extensive experience with the Snowflake Data Cloud. Our approach and innovation of our migration platform aligns well with the features that Snowflake announced at the Summit.

  • It is about customer and not us: At Next Pathway, we ensure each migration to Snowflake is simplified and cost-effective. We do this by embracing an “automation first approach” to every step of the cloud migration journey. From planning, translation, testing and cut-over – Next Pathway provides the platform and tools to accelerate the migration process through automation.
  • Programmability inside the platform: Through Snowpark and Python support, Snowflake is truly bringing programmability inside the platform. At Next Pathway we’ve tackled the biggest challenge when migrating workloads to the cloud – the migration of complex legacy ETL pipelines. Our SHIFT Translator will migrate legacy ETLs to run natively in Snowpark. Allowing organizations to leverage their institutional assets and move them to Snowpark, where they can be maintained, and extended.
  • Self-Managed Platform that works: Our SHIFT Migration Suite is built on our smart translation engine that automatically translates legacy workloads and data pipelines into the cloud-native language of your desired cloud target. At Next Pathway our mandate is to automate the entire end-to-end process of migrating legacy workloads to the cloud.

Coming out of the 2022 Snowflake Summit we are excited to continue our partnership and innovate alongside this incredible company.

About Next Pathway

Next Pathway is the Automated Cloud Migration company. Powered by Crawler360 and SHIFT Cloud, Next Pathway automates the end-to-end challenges companies experience when migrating applications to the cloud. For more information, please visit nextpathway.com.

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