Next Pathway Blog

Snowflake’s Q1 Results Reveal: Customers are Moving to Snowflake and Consuming Massive Amounts of Data

Written by Chetan Mathur | 5/28/21 12:00 PM

In a recent survey, we asked more than 1,000 IT professionals to comment on the features of Snowflake that they find the most compelling. More than 30% appreciated the multi-cluster shared data architecture; 40% were split between the ability to scale without impacting performance and data sharing through Snowflake’s Data Marketplace. The balance (10%) liked the low maintenance aspect of Snowflake. These capabilities, along with Snowflake’s innovative pricing model, will continue to drive more customers to Snowflake.

In our business, we see a lot of interest in moving complex workloads to Snowflake. That’s why we have invested heavily in automating the migration of vast amounts of data to Snowflake from a variety of legacy sources, including Netezza, Teradata, and Hadoop. Most of these workloads are further complicated with ETL jobs, which our technology SHIFT™ also automatically translates. We provide customers with two options to migrate their legacy ETL pipelines to the cloud: migrate ETL pipelines to your cloud target or migrate to cloud-native ETL frameworks.

We are excited for the future of Snowflake and are anxiously awaiting the Snowflake Summit in June 8-10.

For more information on how we support the movement of workloads to Snowflake, check out our Snowflake page at Next Pathway - Snowflake. Or better yet, try SHIFT™ for free at Try SHIFT™ (